Manage Your Account

Sign in, reset your PIN, and manage your settings.

Sign In

  1. Click Sign In in the top right.
  2. Enter your full library card without spaces or dashes.
  3. Enter your PIN.
  4. Click Sign In.

Reset your PIN

If you forgot your PIN

  1. Click Sign In in the top right portion of the Aspen catalog page.
  2. Click Reset My PIN.
  3. Enter your library card number without spaces or dashes.
  4. Click Reset My PIN.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions.

If you know your PIN but need to change it

  1. Click Sign In.
  2. Log in with your library card number and current PIN.
  3. Click Reset PIN/Password from the menu.
  4. Enter your existing PIN.
  5. Enter your new PIN.
  6. Confirm new PIN.
  7. Click Update.
reset pin.

Edit your account settings

Go to My Account > Account Settings to update your preferences and view your library card.

  • My Library Card – View your library card number and a scannable barcode – you can use this if your library has self-checkout machines.
  • My Preferences – Change language preferences, default pickup library, and set review and research starter preferences.
  • Contact Information – Edit your email address and make sure your other information is correct.
  • Linked Accounts – Add other cards to your record. Learn how to link accounts.