Downloads FAQ

What kind of material is in the collection?

OverDrive eBooks, audiobooks, eVideo
Hoopla eBooks, audiobooks, movies, music, TV shows, comics
RBdigital audiobooks, magazines
Baker and Taylor Axis 360 eBooks, audiobooks
Cloud Library eBooks, audiobooks
Biblioboard eBooks, audiobooks, pictures, videos, and music
Freegal music

What type of app is available for my mobile device?

OverDriveiOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Nook: Libby app, Overdrive app
Hoopla iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and smart TVs:
Hoopla Digital app
RBdigital iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire: RBdigital app
Baker and Taylor Axis 360 iOS, Android, and Kindle Fire:
Axis 360 app
Cloud Library iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, and Nook: Cloud Library digital app
Biblioboard iOS, Android, Kindle Fire: BilioBoard app
Freegal iOS, Android: Freegal app

Is special software needed to read, watch, or listen on my computer?

Platform Software
OverDrive Adobe Digital Editions is needed to download EPUB titles. Overdrive READ titles are read in a web browser.
Hoopla No, you can read, listen, or watch in the browser. 
RBdigital No, you can read or listen in the browser. 
Baker and Taylor Axis 360 No, you can read or listen in the browser. 
Cloud LibraryNo, you can read or listen in the browser.
BiblioBoard No, you can read or listen in the browser. 
Freegal No, you can listen in the browser or download to a music player on your computer.

Can I place a hold?

OverDriveYes, within the catalog, on the OverDrive website, and on the app.
HooplaNo, there is no need to place a hold. Titles are always available.
RB digitalYes, within the catalog, on the RBdigital website, and on the app.
Baker and Taylor Axis 360Yes, within the catalog and in the app.
Cloud LibraryYes, within the catalog and in the app.
BiblioBoardNo, there is no need to place a hold. Titles are always available.
FreegalNo, there is no need to place a hold. Titles are always available.

Are there limits on checkouts?

Yes, your library has limited the number of titles you can check out from each vendor. Check with your library about the number you can borrow.

Can I return my titles early?

OverDriveYes, in the app and in My Account.
HooplaYes, in the app and in My Account.
RB digitalYes, in the app and in My Account.
Baker and Taylor
Axis 360
Yes, in the app.
Cloud LibraryYes, in the app and in My Account.

Can I find my borrowed titles in My Account in the catalog?

PlatformDigital Checkouts
OverDriveYes, the titles will appear in My Account and will link out to the title for download.
HooplaYes, the titles will appear in My Account and will link out to the title for download.
RB digitalYes, the titles will appear in My Account.
B&T Axis 360Yes, the titles will appear in My Account.
Cloud LibraryYes, the titles will appear in My Account.

What should I do if I have forgotten my PIN?

You can reset your PIN in My Account in the catalog then reset the PIN in the vendor app to match your PIN in My Account.

What should I do when I receive notice that my hold is available?

If you received notice via email from the provider of the title you can follow the link provided or you can log in to the eBook vendor app to check out your title.

Why am I receiving an error message after I click the download button?

Error messages in the catalog mean there is something wrong with your account or you may have recently reset your PIN.

  1. Check that you can log in successfully to the catalog – if you can’t, reset your PIN.
  2. Once you know your PIN, update it in the app or website.
    • Most eBook apps will prompt you to log in again.
    • In Hoopla, you will need to sign in with your email and password and update your Hoopla library settings in the app or website.

If you are still having trouble, you may have reached the limit on the number of titles borrowed or have fines associated with your library card that prevent you from borrowing downloadable titles. Contact your library for assistance.