Browsing the catalog

Not sure what you want to read, watch, or listen to next? You can find curated and personalized recommendations in the catalog.

Browse categories

You can browse new titles and curated displays of titles on the home page of your library catalog.

categories and titles on the home page

Library lists

Librarians across the SWAN consortium create lists of interesting titles on a wide variety of topics. To browse reading and media recommendations from SWAN librarians, you can search Lists by selecting in Lists in the search bar.
list search results

Or you can view lists in your search results for more similar titles.

list of lists in search results

Recommendations for you

If you add star ratings for titles in the catalog, you will see recommendations generated especially for you in My Account.

recommendations in my account

More recommendations

Select any title in the catalog to see similar authors, series, and more.

more catalog suggestions in the detail view of a page